Wednesday 8 August 2012

Recovery Week

In the last week, I completed the following:

48 guild symbols
Two pairs of bracers
A pair of greaves
Four scabbards (two with lammie pouches)
A wrist purse

And at this point, I feel the need to explain something, as potential employers may run across this blog.  I have a hobby and I'm the first to admit it's a bit odd.  In short, a few weekends every year, I camp for anywhere between 3-5 days, in a field (or sometimes scout camp).  I spend large amounts of time wandering around forested areas, sometimes trying to walk very quietly and often this happens at night and in all weathers.  It almost sounds like ecology, until you take into account that I'm wearing armour.  I like history and I like being active.  The hobby I do is similar to medieval re-enactment, but with some differences (e.g. we're not being historically accurate, though there are guidelines for kit; we're not re-enacting a battle as such, but battles do happen).  If you're interested, I'm happy to talk about it -- after all, it was the hobby that made me realise that I would be much happier working outside and doing ecology.  And this is the hobby that prompted me towards the leatherwork because a lot of the kit is leather-based armour, leather pouches and leather scabbards.

So, back to what I've been doing, here's some photo tasters of the work I did this week...

And bear in mind, that's not even everything.  Busy bee.

Then there was the event, then we had Alton Towers with some friends (which was a day badly needed).  And then it was back to the real world.

So, this morning I had an email turning me down for one of the academic jobs I applied for -- I'm really curious as to why as I am totally qualified in terms of teaching, though I admit I am missing a hefty research portfolio.  I think I'm going to email them and ask why.  I've also had an interview from RECORD inviting me to interview as a volunteer.  I can't make it this week, so fingers crossed they don't mind next week.  At least that's positive.  Not heard anything out of anyone else, sadly.

So, jobs this week...

I have just discovered that it may well be worth putting in a CV with some local firms for ecological surveying, bat surveying and perhaps as someone with a spray cert.  I should get on that today/tomorrow.

There is an invasive species officer volunteer placement down in Bridgend (meaning I could stay in Wales for the rest of the summer), however, it's entirely unpaid and I can't afford that.  I don't know who could, either, apart from people living with mum & dad or extremely well off people.  But that's another issue!

I did spot a really awesome placement with Lancaster Wildlife Trust last week, however, given that it was advertised on the Monday, with a deadline of Friday 1) it wasn't happening and 2) that's really short notice for a deadline, which points to someone being prepared to slip into that position.

So.  Two things to apply for.  And I'm off to Wales tomorrow.  On reflection, I know what I'm doing this afternoon...

Edit:  I forgot to mention.  For no apparent reason that I am aware of, in this last week on Pinterest, I have gone from having 1,000 odd followers to 23,197 followers this morning.  I have no idea why, but I'm not complaining.  Most of my pins are mainly about history with some ecology thrown in -- people seem to really like that, but I've done nothing to actively make people follow me.  It's just happened.