Thursday 19 July 2012

Applications, applications everywhere...

So, that's that then.  I didn't get the Phytophthora Surveyor job.  Shame.  Real shame, mostly because I'd have loved it.  Ah well -- what's meant for you won't pass you by.  At least they told me that I didn't get it. 

I've literally just pressed send for that application for the teaching fellow job.  I hate to sound negative, however, they only advertised it for two weeks, with both a full and a part-time post attached to it.  Usually, within academia at least, this points to the job having been promised to someone on the inside of the institution, but in order to fulfill HR procedures they've advertised it for the smallest amount of time possible.  I hate to be a cynic, but I know that one from having been the person whose future job was advertised on the outside for a week... and of course, politics usually prevents them from giving it to the outsider.  But we shall see.  I'm certainly more than qualified and will be asking some questions if I don't get an interview.  On the bright side, if you don't apply, you can't get, and I've now written a cracking statement that can be modded for the other teaching position -- which appears to have some better benefits.

That done, I now have the following to apply for, with two I've spotted this week:

Arboricultural surveyor -- Requires CV (phew!) No date, I think I should get on that soon.
Reserves worker -- Application pack (eurgh), 23rd July.
Lecturer -- Online application (eurgh) 24th July.
Assistant ecologist --  Requires CV, again, no date, but by next week, if not tomorrow.
Ecologist -- Requires CV, 6th August

I can do this.  Just keep swimming... :)

Outside of that, I spent the last week doing some leatherwork (a handbag this time, on commission).  I also made quite the order from Leprevo this week.  Not only did I finalise those designs for the emboss plates, but I also ordered some leather dye, some medieval style buckles and some other gubbins.  Should be here by Monday-ish.  Looking forward to it, simply because I really, really want to see my own work put into metal.  It's quite literally solid at that point.

Last weeks's event was on the hilliest hill in all of steepest steepshire, I *know* I got my exercise as well as having a good time with some good mates.  So, plans for today?  Finish the decorations on that bag and help my mates finish moving.  Outside of that, tomorrow will be sent on CVs and applications.  I'll get there.  I just have to keep on working on my skills and applying for things.

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